About PM We Care

Humanitarian aid for people in need

What we achieved so far


Sponsored children


Sponsored children as long-term goal


Worldwide projects


Different countries



€10 m

donated to World Vision alone in the last 5 Years

PM We Care: How do we help around the world?

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Our partnership with World Vision

Our area programs

We are engaged in regional development projects, called ‘Area Programs’ that are planned and implemented together with locals and run for approximately 15 years. Together with World Vision it is our main goal to empower people to help themselves. Currently PM-International supports 6 area programs in:

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Powerful stories from around the globe

Little known facts

Globally, 1 in 9 people is hungry or undernourished

Here is what we are doing…

Only 17% of children in low-income countries are enrolled in pre-school

Here is what we are doing…

250 Million children either don’t make it to grade 4 or lack the basic skills in reading, writing and math by the time they reach grade 4

Here is what we are doing…

6 km, a little more than 3.7 miles, is the average distance round trip women and children in the developing world walk for water

Here is what we are doing…
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Experience charity visits

Humanitarian aid for people in need